Sabasige Palya




2 min


5 min


  • 1 Bunch Sabasige soppu/Dill
  • 1/2 Cup Cooked Toordal
  • 1 Tsp Oil
  • 1 Tsp Mustard seeds
  • 1 Tsp Jeera
  • 1/4th Tsp Hing/Asafoetida
  • 1/4th Tsp Haldi/Turmeric powder
  • Few Curry Leaves(Optional)
  • 1 Tbsp Red chili powder
  • Salt to taste

Dill is called Sabasige soppu in kannada. Its very good for digestion. Many people don’t like its smell(even I did to not like it much before :P) but cooked with right ingredients it can taste good.

Curry with these leaves can be made in 2 ways, one with toordal and the other with moong dal. Even Bassaru/Rasam can be made with sabasige. Below I am showing you how to make sabasige palya with toordal. 

It can be served with chapati or rice.


Method :

  • Finely chop and wash sabasige soppu/dill.


  • Heat a pan, add oil and mustard seeds, when is starts crackling add jeera, hing, haldi, curry leaves(optional).

Dil palya1-1

  • Now add chopped sabasige soppu/dill and sauté for 2mins. Once its cooked then add cooked toordal, salt and red chili powder. Let it cook for 2 more mins.

dil palya2-1

  • Once done taste it, if necessary add more salt and red chili according to your taste. Remove it in a serving bowl and its ready to serve.



Note :

  • Red chili powder can be replaced with green chillies.
  • If you like your dish on a sweeter side then you can add jaggery to it while cooking.
  • Onions and garlic can also be added to this dish. When done with the 2 step(made tadka) add chopped onions and garlic and sauté its for 2mins and then continue with the 3rd step.

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