Mango Mastani




15 min


  • 4 Mangoes
  • Around 8 Scoops Vanilla or Mango ice cream
  • 1 cup Chilled Whole Milk
  • 2-3 Tbsp (adjust accordingly) Sugar
  • 1/4th Tsp Nutmeg Powder
  • 3-4 Tbsp Dry fruits of your choice

Mango Mastani is a famous drink from Pune, Maharashtra. Its a combination of fresh fruit, milk, ice cream and dry fruits. 

Mastani can be made with any fresh fruit depending on the season. Today I am showing the recipe using mangoes.


Method :

  • Chop dry fruits of your choice (I used cashews, almonds and pistachios) and keep aside for later use.
  • Peel and chop mangoes. Keep aside few pieces of mangoes for topping.
  • In a blender add chopped mangoes, milk, 4 scoops ice cream, nutmeg and sugar. Blend it to a  thick smoothie.
  • Pour it to glasses (don’t over fill the glass, leave some place for toppings).
  • Top it with ice cream, chopped dry fruits and mango pieces.






  • If fresh mangoes are not available then store bought mango puree can also be used.

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